After a while Jacks windshield got blocked with snow, so jack rolled down his window and stuck his head out to see how traffic was progressing. Traffic was at a complete stop and about 25% of the cars were abandoned by their drivers and passengers. Jack stuck his head back in the car with snow all over his black hair and the cold made his skin pale and shiver. As jack waited he noticed that at the rate of the snow falling his car would be buried in snow before the traffic even began to move. so jack decided to leave the safety of his car and make a long and perilous journey to Boston in a violent snow storm.
He opened the door and had his body blasted with cold harsh winter winds, and his foot sank into the snow till it met up to his thigh. Jack could barely walk only trudge through the snow. he could see the Boston sky scrapers in the distance meaning he was not that far away but then he noticed that there were no lights at all in the city which meant the power was down due the storm. jack's grey trench coat wasn't meant for this kind of weather so he didn't have much time till his body died from the freezing temperatures. step after step his body felt weaker and the snow became taller and taller. he looked back and saw his foot steps in the snow, his car had disappeared over the foggy horizon. jack looked at rows and rows of empty cars. some cars were left locked others were opened and looked like they've been looted by other people traveling by and some cars had people in them waiting the storm out. the sun was setting and jack wasn't even half way there. then the sun finally set behind the Boston skyline but jack didn't mind the street lights could guide through the night and he continued but no lights turned on then jack remembered that the power was out.
so there jack was wandering aimlessly in the darkness. by now the snow was at his shoulders so he couldn't walk any more he had to swim through the snow. jack's body was colder since it was night so he could die in a matter of minutes if he didn't find any shelter quickly. Just as jack was giving up all hope he saw a light in the distance, the head lights of a abandoned public city bus. jack quickly shuffled through the snow the door of the bus was closed so jack took a stone from the side of the highway and threw it at the glass door, glass flew every where. jack stepped through the broken doors of the bus and sat on a empty seat and waited out the night.
when jack woke up he was going to walk out of the bus until he saw the snow blocked the lower half of the broken glass door. so jack opened the emergency escape on the roof of the bus and climbed up. jack now studied his surroundings. he saw that it was now impossible to walk in the snow because it was as tall as him. jack felt like he was stranded on a boat surrounded by shark infested waters. he then decided that his only hope was to jump to the silver mini van which was parked to the left of the bus. with a running jump jack leaped off the bus but as soon as his feet touched the icy metal of the car his footing slipped and he fell on his back and had his breath knocked out of him. jack quickly got up and then jumped to the next car ahead of him then to the one ahead of that and continued for what seemed like eternity. sometimes Jack made a perfect jump sometimes he slipped and fell.
after doing that for awhile Jack finally made it to Boston. the city streets were not plowed but the snow was lower on some sidewalks that people threw salt and sand on. after hours of searching each street Jack finally found his apartment building. He walked to the door which was suprisingly unlocked. then he walked up the stairs to the third floor where he found his apartment room next to the stairway. Jack reached in his pocket for the keys but just relized that he left them in the car.
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